
Saturday, 10 March 2012

Vewy busy poetwy witing pussy cat

Me be vewy busy today cos me witing a dood poem for Katy birfday.
Also me was sitting in de nice neat backyard watching a cute litta birdy.
Evewybody fink me twying to catch it and eat it but me wanted to play wif it.
It played wif Bernie vewy dood.
It fly in fwont of Bernie and stay fluttewing in de air and flap it wings like a heckalopta.
It vewy clever.
Me need to keep witing dis poem
Do anybody know a word what whyme wif   'how" or 'now'?
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Hughie says:

    How are you now?

    Katy says:

    Wow! Yow!

    Hughie says:


    Katy says:

    Cow! Sow! Allow! Bough! I can't think of anything else...

    Hughie says:

