Heidi is a vewy tidy litta sleeping pussy cat. She always goes to where her blanket is folded up in a neat little fold on de floor and she sleep on it.
She fit just wight.
Bernie like to sleep in a interwesting place like on my Mummy bed or on dat sewing table in de middle of de sewing or in de basket full of nice clean clothes. Me likes to smell dem nice clean clothes.
Sometimes me sleeps on someone's desk especially if dem is doing lots of hard work on dat desk. Me likes to help dem so me get on de desk in de middle of dem books and me goes to sleep.
Sometimes when my Mummy is cowwecting homework for dem school kids, Bernie bite out de words what is spelled wong and eat dem. Dat so my Mummy will not know dat dey spelled somefing wong. Dat how me helps de childwen.
Me is a nice kind pussy cat.
Luv fwom Bernie
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