
Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Quiet day today

Gwand-da and Gwand-ma and my Mummy gone away somewhere today in de bwown car. Bernie and Heidi minding de house.
Me sit on de gwass under de twee all day and watch peoples going past. Dat be a vewy quiet day for Bernie.
Nuffin happen except a big emu come and climb up de twee and Bernie say " Me better not sit unner dat big bird" so me move away a bit but den it gone away.
Dat was stwange.
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    I would tell you what that big emu was if I knew it.

    Hughie says:

    I know what it was! A very muddy-footed ostrich!

    Katy says:

    Yes, but ostriches and emus aren't in Temora.

    Hughie says:

    Or maybe a very big eagle or something?

    That wasn't my comment.

    Katy says:

    Apparently when we say we want to do a comment, Daddy writes whatever we say.
