
Saturday, 3 March 2012


Today it wained and wained again.
Bernie and Heidi is gettin sick of staying inside because of dat wain.
We is BORED pussy cats.
So today my Mummy let us go out de fwont and play on dat fwont vewandah.
We play dere for a litta while den we decide to go and have a litta look down de parf.
Dat wain was still coming down but it not too bad so Bernie had a dood walk outside. Den my Mummy come and get me and pick me up to bwing me inside.
Den she say "Oh Bernie you are all muddy"
So den she give me a barf!
Dat means we has wain outside and den inside.
But me is clean now and my Mummy give me a blow dwy and Gwand-da give me a cuddle.
Luv fwom Bernie

1 comment:

  1. Katy says:

    Baths aren't just rain, they're just running water, but they do come from rain, so actually raining is quite good. Without rain you wouldn't even have water.

    Hughie says:

    Without any hot water or cold water there wouldn't be any kind of water in the world! And once we had a hot water problem.
