Today my Mummy take me and litta Heidi to see our Unca Jim wot is de vet.
Him give us bofe a litta needle and we do not cwy cos we is bwave pussy cats.
Unca Jim also give us a dood worm tablet each so dem norty worms goes away out of our tummies.
And Guess What?
Bernie losed weight.
Bernie losed 700 gms.
Dat is a lot for a pussy cat.
Dat like 7kgs for a gwowed up human.
Unca Jim say dat Bernie is a vewy dood pussy cat for losin weight.
My Gwandma wowwied dat me lose weight because me got worms in my tummy but Bernie fink dat havin worms in my tummy should make me weigh more!
Now Bernie is not going to eat any more norty mousies dat he catch or if he do forget and eat one, Bernie get a worm tablet fwom his Mummy stwaight away.
When we go back home, My Mummy let us get out of our baskets because it is just a litta short twip. Bernie vewy happy to jump out of de car and wun inside to de house as soon as my Mummy open dat car door but litta Heidi like going for a wide in de car so she will not get out.
She hide under dat fwont seat and my Mummy twy and twy to get her out. Den my Mummy and my Gwand-ma has to do a ewwand so off dey go and litta Heidi still in de car. When dey come home again, Gwandma go to de fwont door and call Heidi fwom dere. Heidi always wun to Gwand-ma when she call so when Gwand-ma call, Heidi nearly jump out and wun to her but she wemember dat she do not want to get out of dat car so she stay dere but my Mummy got hold of her fwont paws and pulls her out. Den she wun away and do not want my Mummy to cuddle her.
Bernie go and say to litta Heidi "Why you do not get out of dat car when we get home, litta Heidi?"
Litta Heidi say "Me wantth to thtay in the car coth it nithe and warm in there and me wantth to go for lotth more tat-tath. It good fun driving in the car. Me liketh that very much."
Maybe my Mummy and my Gwand-ma will take litta Heidi for tat-tas sometimes.
Luv fwom Happy now Bernie.