
Monday 21 October 2013


Fankyou to all of dese kind peoples what give Bernie a bootiful birfday pwesent:
Gwand-ma.    Gwand-ma give Bernie a bootiful little statue of a echidna to put in him courtyard wot me share wif my Mummy. My Mummy has a turtle in dat courtyard and now Bernie have a echidna.
Jaffa:    jaffa give Bernie a speshul birfday lick and she do not even know what a birfday is so Bernie tell her.
Bernie did not get any more birfday pwesents.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Oh sweetheart. I gave you lots of cuddles and I asked you what you wanted but you didn't tell me. I'm sorry my darling boy. I'll get you more treats, and more cuddles.

  2. Hughie says:

    Sorry we forgot about it. It would have gotten there a week afterward!
