
Thursday 6 December 2012

Working OK

Dis plan of keeping Tilly away fwom Bernie is working OK. However, sometimes Bernie hear her cwying cos she want to play wif Bernie. Dat makes Bernie sad. Bernie will like to play wif her but not get my tail bitten. Maybe soon she learn to play a bit quiet.
Today Bernie stay outside a lot. Me stay in my Mummy courtyard. My Gwand-ma bwing me speshul dindins out dere and me also has a speshul bowl of water on de vewandah.  It quite nice out dere. Bernie finds a nice cool pwivate place to have a little sleep.
Luv fwom Bernie


  1. Hughie says:

    I have a little place I sometimes have little sleeps, but then my sister comes up and ends up there while I'm having a nap, and it's over by a pile of mud, I dug a little hole and sometimes have little naps in it.

  2. Oooh Dat sounds like a vewy vewy dood place for a little nap.
