
Saturday 25 May 2013

Dat silly puppy

Bernie is a vewy lonely pussy cat dese days cos me is de only pussy cat here. Bernie do not have my Heidi or my Tilly to play wif. Bernie walk awound all de time saying miaow miaow and den Gwand-ma say   "oh poor Bernie. You are lonely without another pussy cat to play with aren't you? Would you like to play with some of Tilly's toys?" so den she looking for one of Tilly's balls to fwow for Bernie to chase but she cannot find dem. Maybe Tilly come home and get dem. Den my Gwand-ma get dat silly dog and turn him on. Him sit dere and go "Woof woof woof woof" at Bernie
Bernie do not like dat dog. It fwighten Bernie. Tilly did not like dat dog eiver. It fwighten her. Only little Aussie who was a vewy bwave pussy cat used to like dat dog. Aussie used to jump on it and westle it to de gwound and turn it off. Hmmmm Aussie was a vewy clever pussy cat. Him can turn  dat silly dog  off by him button in him back.
Bernie wun away and hide under Gwand-ma bed. Den Gwand-ma turn off dat silly puppy dog and put him back under de pot plant so him can wemind pussy cats not to climb up dat pot plant.
Den Bernie wants to go out to de laundwy so me wun vewy fast past dat silly dog. Me wun fast like Tilly. Now me know why Tilly wun fast out dere. She wunning fast past dat silly dog.
Gwand-ma say "Oooh dat liven you up a bit old Bern"
Luv fwom Bernie

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