
Wednesday 21 November 2012

long plastic sausages

Some mans came yesserday and dig holes in de fwont garden. Den dey put pipes in dem. Den dey cover dem up. Maybe dem pipes is dead and dat why dey buwwied. Today annuver man came and put long bwown plastic sausages all over our garden. He say dem is hoses and dey will water our garden whenever we tell it to. He put de instwuctions in de box and now dat hose knows when to water our garden. Dat vewy clever. Bernie fink dat is vewy dood because now my Gwand-ma and my Gwand-da and my Mummy does not have to get de hose and water de garden. And you know why dat is dood? Dat is dood because sometimes when dey is waterwing de garden dey gets mixed up and dey accidentally on purpose waters Bernie.
Now de hoses and pipes what de mans put in our garden yesserday and today is clipped in place and dem cannot jump up and water poor little Bernie.
Me vewy pleased about dat.
Luv fwom bernie

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