
Friday 15 February 2013

Visit fwom Uncle Matt and a art exhibition

Today Uncle Matt came to bisit.
Him give Bernie a big cuddle. Dat is my favouwite Uncle Matt. Him tell us about Basil what is his little Pussy cat what is Tilly's bwuvver.
Dat Basil is a dood pussy cat not like our Tilly what is a naughty pussy cat.
Later on Bernie hear peoples talking about dem going to a art exhibition.
Bernie fink dat is a vewy dood idea. Bernie is going to do a art exhibition.
First me go and look in de gawage and den me wun in my Mummy bedwoom.
Den me sit and fink abit.
Den me nearly got it all worked out.
Only one more fing to do and den me be weady.
Me just need to find out what is a art exhibition.
Luv fwom Bernie

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